Swedish Confessions

’nuff said
2010/04/29, 5:32 am
Filed under: Melbs, Sex

Numb and Dumb
2010/04/27, 6:09 am
Filed under: Melbs

Friday was amazing, just what I needed. Since then I have been in reovery. Studying, working and sleeping. On Friday I’ll do it all over again.

Study Break
2010/04/24, 11:01 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

This weekend has been the best weekend in a loooog time. Studying was put aside for two visits to the movies and one messy night out with this lovely little filipino aussie. We call her banana. Or yellow.

Yesterday Yellow spewed in a cab on her way home and had to pay the cabbie 50 bucks for dry cleaning. That’s my Leo. Next week is her 21st and since turning 21 is a massive deal in Australia she’s booked the function room at our old work (where we met) and I’ve been asked to make a speech.. Needless to say, it will involve a certain cab incident..

Every problem has the same solution
2010/04/22, 6:29 am
Filed under: Älk, Health, Melbs

Feeling depressed?
What would Linda do?
Get on the wine.


P.s. Of course they’re both mine..!

In Djursholm
2010/04/22, 3:02 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Sheltered white children play with little negro dolls. Haha, I shouldn’t use that word should I. And the little negro doll is sick.

I think my parents are trying to prevent the horrific thing they had to experience with me when I was little.

I was about 6 years old. We went into the post office one day (as people did back then.. in the old days..) and as we walked in we passed a black guy. My jaws dropped and I yelled out (while pointing straight at him) “MUM, WHY IS HE SO BROWN?!”

2010/04/22, 2:51 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Corniness warning!

I wish it was Christmas and that I was a kid again.

Identitetskris blir livskris
2010/04/21, 2:30 pm
Filed under: Health

Jag hade en dag att andas och inte plugga ihjäl mig. Vad gör jag? Börjar tänka på livet.

Det var ju jävligt onödigt.

Nu känner jag mig osäker på om det jag pluggar kommer att ta mig dit jag vill. Och om jag någonsin kommer få jobba med det jag vill. Tänk om jag blir another failed graphic designer/bartender. Jag tänker på hur många som har kommit så mycket längre än jag. På hur duktig jag önskar att jag var. På hur mycket vackrare jag önskar att jag var. Smartare. Snällare.

Jag tänker på att jag någon dag, inte alltför långt framöver, kommer att dö. På att mina nära och kära kommer att dö. Jag undrar över i vilken ordning det kommer att ske.

Jag tänker på att livet kanske inte spelar någon roll då trots allt?
Vad gör det om jag blir en art director/ graphic designer eller inte? Vad spelar det för roll egentligen? Och vad spelar det för roll hur man ser ut om kroppen ändå är jord om obestämd framtid?

Livet är allt man har. Men sen har man ju ingenting.

Det är sjukt att man en dag inte kommer att existera.

Bad Company
2010/04/20, 4:48 am
Filed under: Work

I worked alone on Sunday night and thought I would remain alone until the end of the shift. I was wrong. Instead three old men came in and started chatting me up. When they realised they wouldn’t get lucky they tried to get me to hook them up with my mum. And when that didn’t work either they tried to hook me up with their sons. That didn’t work either. So I got them to drink girly drinks (cosmos and chandon) and then they bought me a cosmo to have after i finished work. but i bloody well deserved that after their harassment.

Great start
2010/04/18, 3:00 am
Filed under: Health, Melbs

I woke up with a pimple the size of my ass this morning. And it had conveniently placed itself just above the corner of my lip. Like it wasn’t bad enough to have a pimple. It had to make itself look like coldsore. Thanks Universe.

Last night I was up till 4 am working on an assignment. Now I’m off to the gym only to straight after head to work to do Sunday close. FML.

2010/04/17, 11:42 am
Filed under: Health

I have taken single life to a whole new level. Not only do I work at a bar, eat at the bar, spend my last dollars on wine (at the bar), have only bread, tomatoes and ketchup in my fridge, but I left my dishes for so long that they moulded. I was met by a stench when I walked in the door today (coming home from the bar) and realised that it was coming from my kitchen. I guess it was what I needed to get my ass off the couch and wash them. Nasty. The dishes of course, not me.

2010/04/14, 3:16 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Omg I thought this day would NEVER end. But it did. Thank God.

Uni, studying, gym and work. “Life” is fun..

2010/04/14, 3:58 am
Filed under: Uni

At least this way the teacher has a lot of different ones to choose from. If he disses them all I will kill him.

Fatty can’t reach
2010/04/13, 11:14 pm
Filed under: Health


Her fat legs don’t reach the floor.


nine out of ten
2010/04/13, 11:09 pm
Filed under: Health

I had to compensate for my non-existent ring finger nail so this cripple waltzed into the regular nail place and asked to have 9 nails manicured.

The bigger the hair the better the person?
2010/04/13, 8:08 am
Filed under: Uni

If only that was true..

I am so over this semester. I just got shot down to the ground and left bleeding by my type teacher. In a “nice” way.
I think I’ll just shit on a piece of paper and call it art.

Good thing I’m off to body pump soon so I can get the serotonin going. Right now I feel very indifferent, and there’s really nothing worse than indifference.

Putting and pulling it off
2010/04/12, 3:07 pm
Filed under: Uni

I belong to the group of people who pull off band-aids sloooowly, as if to prolong the pain for as long as possible.
And it just occured to me that I am same when it every other aspect of my life. Like chores. Instead of just getting them done and out of the way I will torture myself by thinking of how much I need to do and how much I don’t want to do it. Then I’ll slowly start doing things that lead up to the actual task. For example; if I need to do the dishes I will first put it off for days (until I run out of clean glasses and cutlery) and then clean the rest of the house and, finally, do the dishpile the size of Iraq.

This is exactly what I am doing now with my uni work. It takes up 99 % of my time awake. And yet only about 10% of my day will be spent actually doing something about it.
Me blogging about it is another example of how I’m thinking about it instead of getting it out of the way.

But this changes the last 2 weeks of every  semester. Because that’s when I realise exactly how far behind I am. I don’t sleep. Instead I eat, breath and live uni. That’s 4 weeks away. Until then I will think about what I should be doing and how everything always has a way of working itself out. Slowly and painfully.

2010/04/11, 8:04 am
Filed under: Melbs

The knock off makes it all worth while.

2010/04/10, 4:01 pm
Filed under: Health

I made you look!!

And stop winging! I’m the one who has to live like a cripple for 3 months. Try pouring spirits with a finger bandage the size of your mama.

Work can suck my cock
2010/04/10, 3:43 pm
Filed under: Work

I am so over bartending.

Work was dead today. A perfect amount of nice, well-behaved adults occupied the venue and I was certain I’d get to finish about two hours early.

But as I started to clean the bar and the bouncers were getting to knock off my luck turned. Out of nowhere, 30 drunkofftheirtits guys rock up after a whole night of barhopping. One of them was wearing a pair of panties over his jeans – need I say more? Yes, actually, I think I do; panty boy ordered a cocksucking manhattan orgasm. Which apparently is a shot of baileys, cointreau and vodka. I tasted 1 ml and was under the carpet.

These cocksuckers stayed for an hour and left the bar looking like Baghdad. Thanks to them I got home 10 hours before I need to be there again. I would have been better off just sleeping there tonight.

2010/04/09, 8:08 am
Filed under: Melbs, Sex

I’m at Buddha’s Belly. As usual. And my old shag just walked in. He used to work here but quit a few months ago. I dumped him hardcore and completely stopped going to Buddha’s to avoid him. Apparently he even got told off for scaring the customers (me) away. Maybe because I make up for about half their revenue..

Today he brought his new shag with him. They are officially together and he found it very awkward that I was here. Me, on the other hand, found it incredibly amusing.
The only thing I didn’t find amusing was that she was ugly. What does this mean? That he scored above his league with me? Or, god forbid, that I am on her level?
I bitched about this to the manager who said he couldn’t understand what he was doing with her, and how she on top of it all is Irish! Huah.

No, I think I’m going to approach this problem Alex style (if a guy doesn’t like her he’s an idiot who deserves our pity): He couldn’t have me so he had to settle for that. Aah, joy.